Kurban Tykayev

Jeweler, 62
My grandfather was a good craftsman and his works were exhibited in museums. My father was also a good craftsman and taught me and my brothers. We all must know this job; it is customary for us to pass this knowledge on from generation to generation

Kubachi village, Dagestan

We are used to working and we love our profession. We are constantly inventing something new. I personally have an antique ethno-style, like in the 18th century. But I'm always changing things — it's more interesting that way.

Kubachi patterns are very thin, thick and deep. When a person looks at our ornament, they immediately understand what the people of Kubachi did. At the same time, each master has his own style. I have been advised to label products many times, n. But I usually only bet when asked. Why the stigma, everyone can already see that this is my job.

When a craftsman creates, metal and stones adapt to him. There are any processes at work. But whether you want to or not, you must do it. A good tool and patience — this is how masterpieces are created. The main thing for me is for a thing to live its own life. For people to wear it, to pass it on to future generations. We have such bracelets, they live for centuries!

When a happy person wears your product, it's a blessing for the craftsman. You can't create a good job without love. After all, beauty comes from the heart, from the heart. Look at the flower — each one has its own line, its own structure. Whether it's a daisy or a rose is not that important. Take a little bit from everyone and you get beauty.

My favorite material is silver, a noble metal. When you polish silver, it glows like a diamond, and this glitter ruins your eyesight. Yes, sometimes beauty really dazzles. This is the downside of our profession.

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Jeweler, 62

My grandfather was a good craftsman and his works were exhibited in museums. My father was also a good craftsman and taught me and my brothers. We all must know this job; it is customary for us to pass this knowledge on from generation to generation

Kubachi village, Dagestan

Kurban Tykayev

My grandfather was a good craftsman and his works were exhibited in museums. My father was also a good craftsman and taught me and my brothers. We all must know this job; it is customary for us to pass this knowledge on from generation to generation

Jeweler, 62

My grandfather was a good craftsman and his works were exhibited in museums. My father was also a good craftsman and taught me and my brothers. We all must know this job; it is customary for us to pass this knowledge on from generation to generation

We are used to working and we love our profession. We are constantly inventing something new. I personally have an antique ethno-style, like in the 18th century. But I'm always changing things — it's more interesting that way.

Kubachi patterns are very thin, thick and deep. When a person looks at our ornament, they immediately understand what the people of Kubachi did. At the same time, each master has his own style. I have been advised to label products many times, n. But I usually only bet when asked. Why the stigma, everyone can already see that this is my job.

When a craftsman creates, metal and stones adapt to him. There are any processes at work. But whether you want to or not, you must do it. A good tool and patience — this is how masterpieces are created. The main thing for me is for a thing to live its own life. For people to wear it, to pass it on to future generations. We have such bracelets, they live for centuries!

When a happy person wears your product, it's a blessing for the craftsman. You can't create a good job without love. After all, beauty comes from the heart, from the heart. Look at the flower — each one has its own line, its own structure. Whether it's a daisy or a rose is not that important. Take a little bit from everyone and you get beauty.

My favorite material is silver, a noble metal. When you polish silver, it glows like a diamond, and this glitter ruins your eyesight. Yes, sometimes beauty really dazzles. This is the downside of our profession.

To maintain health, a jeweler needs massage and gymnastics, both for posture and vision. Back in Soviet times, I was taught to keep my posture: first at school, then in the army. And I taught myself how to do eye exercises, I learned it later, it's impossible without it.

Tradition is our pride and happiness. I am proud that our grandfathers gave us the craft, and we have already passed it on to our descendants. My children work for us and continue their craft. When the time comes, we will teach our grandchildren and granddaughters alike!

The most difficult thing when teaching children is to sit them at the table and explain the meaning of the work. Then they will be interested themselves: they will come home from school, have lunch and work right at the table. So the habit is developed, and the work will go on. A good father and a good master have the same approach: love and attention. To work, to family and to children. Patience and diligence are also important; you can't succeed in jewelry without him. Life is simple: when you love your job, you get your job done. And family provides an additional incentive and meaning.

“When a happy person wears your product, it is happiness for the craftsman”

Kurban Tykayev

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